Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How Cure Take Place

You Must Be concerned about how cure take pace in homeopathy . the general thinking of common man is to eat lot and lot of medicine in order to regain its health .
But let me make you clear my friends , it is not the deal , not in homeopathy at least
The Homeopathy Is principally Based upon the "law of similar " and other 6 principal , i will catch your attention on other principals later

In order to tell you how homeopathy works i need to elaborate about the law of similar :-
It states that the medicine is capable of curing the disease which it can produce 
It is also the natural law of cure as it can be easily be observed in nature
For eg :- the pain of death of neighbor is overcome by the pain which come due to death of some close person
Hence the homeopathic medicine s capable of curing that disease , of which it can produce similar symptoms
 The another law which i want to discuss here is LAW OF VITAL FORCE
It Is the LIFE PRESERVING FORCE which is present in every living being and is responsible for controlling the life of the individual  , which means that the person cant remain living without vital force , and the person become diseased when harm to the vital force is done  ,
There are various concept about this force , in common language this force is named as SPIRIT or SOUL
Coming Back To our initial topic ,
Let Me tell You by using some diagram :-

Fig 1.1 represent the state of VITAL FORCE which is in its normal direction which means that the person is healthy , generally if some disease substance or some noxious agent , if try to harm the body of the individual than the vital force fight with it and make the body in its healthy position

But , if the disease producing force is stronger than the Vital force than the disease force Overcome the Vital force and the body get diseased , The Disease Stage Can Be Sown By Fig 1.2

In the Fig 1.2 the straight line show the position of Vital Force and the Wave which is made around the Vital Force represent the Disease force

When Homeopathic medicine is given to the patient who is in disease condition than the medicine will produce similar and stronger force as compared to the disease force , when medicine is well selected !
The condition Which develop after the administration of homeopathic dose can be shown in fig 1.3

The Medicinal Force Or the Artificial Disease Force  is stronger than that of the disease force
Here two Power Acts

  • The Power Of the Medicine : - the medicinal power which is exaggerated by the medicine is stronger than that of the disease hence the medicinal force try to overcome the disease force
  • The Power of vital force : - the weak Vital Force regain its power and try to push the disease power 
Due to the action of these powers the Vital force overcome Disease Force and The Disease force Become disappear , Now The BODY Is Left With the Medicinal Power  or (artificial disease power )
The state of  the Vital force can be shown with help of Fig 1.4

As the Dose of the of the medicine can be administered manually and the action of the medicine become over the medicinal force or the artificial disease force also get disappear and the body regain its healthy state 
And hence the body become healthy which can be shown by Fig 1.5

This Way Cure Takes Place In Homeopathy

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