What is homeopathy- Definition
Homeopathy is the alternative mode of medication which is principally based upon the law Of Similar , which uses Potentised singe dose minimum medicine which were Earlier proved upon healthy human beings for the treatment of mankind
Homeopathy is based upon 7 Cardinal Principals :
I will list each oe of them and elaborate them for you , lets take a look what are they :
1.Law Of similar :- Which means the medicine which s capable of producing a disease is capable of curing the disease which is similar to it , This law was first observed by our master hahnemann who founded homeopathy , he founded that the drug cinchona was given for the treatment of malaria without any know action of it and people were getting treated by cinchona , Although he was healthy he ate up cinchona and found out that after cinchona he exhibit symptoms of malaria in 1790 , for 6 long years he tried various drugs on himself and found out that every drug produces some changes in body and they are able to cure the similar symptoms . In 1796 he declared the new system of medication .
2. Law of Simplex :- A simple medicine (single) should be given to the patient .. not the combinations or what so ever , which means that a single medicine s enough to bring changes in the body of the individual and hence cure can take place with single dose of the medicine
3. law of minimum :- The minimum dose of the medicine is enough to effect the patients state and treat it , as life is spiritual and homeopathy acts on our inner body , the minimum the dose the easy it effect our inner body , and the inner body itself become strong and throw away the disease from our body
4. Doctrine of drug proving :- In order to know the action of the drugs the drugs are proved upon healthy human beings not in lower animals as they don't show emotions which are primarily presents in humans , Those symptoms which come out in drug proving are recorded on book called MATERIA MEDICA , which contains the details of the drugs
5.Theory of Chronic Disease :-
After long time of practice hahnemann concluded that the acute disease were easy to cure by homeopathy , but there are some factors which don't let the chronic disease to get cure , and make them appear again and again.He named these factors as miasms .
He Classified miasms into 3 , namely
1. Psora
2. Syphillis
3. Sycosis
6. Theory of Vital Force :- The life preserving force which although we cant see , but is present n every living organism ,
It is commanly known as spirit in todays world !!
hahnemann stated that the human get disease when the vital force become weak
7. Doctrine Of drug-Dynamization -
It is the process by which the latent power of the medicine is aroused , hence the power of the medicine is increased by this process , it is seen that the minimum the medicine the more powerful it become
it comprises basically of two process
A. dilution B. friction
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