Wednesday, August 3, 2011


What is homeopathy-  Definition

You may be concerned about what is homeopathy , Lets take a look :-
Homeopathy is the alternative mode of medication which is principally based upon the law Of Similar  , which uses Potentised  singe dose minimum medicine which were Earlier  proved upon healthy human beings for the treatment of mankind 

Homeopathy is based upon 7 Cardinal Principals  :
I will list each oe of them and elaborate them for you , lets take a look what are they :

1.Law Of similar :- Which means the medicine which s capable of producing a disease is capable of curing the disease which is similar to it , This law was first observed by our master hahnemann who founded homeopathy , he founded that the drug cinchona was given for the treatment of malaria without any know action of it and people were getting treated by cinchona , Although he was healthy he ate up cinchona and found out that after cinchona he exhibit symptoms of malaria in 1790 , for 6 long years he tried various drugs on himself and found out that every drug produces some changes in body and they are able to cure the similar symptoms . In 1796 he declared the new system of medication .

 2. Law of Simplex :-   A simple medicine (single) should be given to the patient .. not the combinations or what so ever , which means that a single medicine s enough to bring changes in the body of the individual and hence cure can take place with single dose of the medicine 

3. law of minimum :- The minimum dose of the medicine is enough to effect the patients state and treat it , as life is spiritual and homeopathy acts on our inner body , the minimum the dose the easy it effect our inner body , and the inner body itself become strong and throw away the disease from our body

4. Doctrine of drug proving :- In order to know the action of the drugs the drugs are proved upon healthy human beings not in lower animals as they don't show emotions which are primarily presents in humans , Those symptoms which come out in drug proving are recorded on book called  MATERIA MEDICA , which contains the details of the drugs 

5.Theory of Chronic Disease :-
After long time of practice hahnemann concluded that the acute disease were easy to cure by homeopathy , but there are some factors which don't let the chronic disease to get cure , and make them appear again and again.He named these factors as miasms .
He Classified miasms into 3 , namely 
1. Psora 
2. Syphillis 
3. Sycosis 

6. Theory of Vital Force :- The life preserving force which although we cant see , but is present n every living organism ,
It is commanly known as spirit in todays world !!
hahnemann stated that the human get disease when the vital force become weak

7. Doctrine Of drug-Dynamization
It is the process by which the latent power of the medicine is aroused , hence the power of the medicine is increased by this process , it is seen that the minimum the medicine the more powerful it become
it comprises basically of two process

A. dilution          B. friction

Homeopathy Myths & Facts

  • All the Homeopathic medicines are nothing but just white Globules , Its a normal layman conception that Homeopathy is nothing but placebo , for each and every disease they just give u small tiny sugar pills and say that u will be cured soon !! Let me make you clear guys !!  Homeopathic medicines are prepared with help of a vehicle (which increase the inert power of medicinal substance )  Likewise they are also dispensed in some of the other medium such as sugar of milk , globules or simply water. Because it is matter of fact that power of medicnal substance and increased through two process such as dilution and friction
  •  Homeopathy Is Slow To act : This is due to fact that homeopathy has shown good results so far in chronic disease than in acute diseases , but its totally wrong to say that homeopathy doe's not act or act very slow in acute diseases , let me make u clear that homeopathy works as powerful as in chronic disease !! the acute fevers are cured by homeopathy in matter of a day or week or two  like Viral fevers , typhoid fevers , Dysentery , Nerve pains , jaundice ......... n the list goes on and on.
  • Homeopathy can only treat small or functional disease such as coryza  , cold etc . As i told you guys that homeopathy works excellently on people in acute as well as chronic ailments , the systemic disease such as nasal polyp , renal calculi , Hepatitis , tumor , fibroid ........ n i can brake my hands writing each of them     
  • There is no need of degree for practicing homeopathy  : People think that the homeopathic practitioner are just normal individuals who don't have ay professional degree and don't have knowledge of diseases  Homeopathic practitioner are qualified degree holder physicians whose study material are more or less similar to allopathy students  such as Physiology , F.M.T , pathology , Surgery , gynecology , obstetrics , practice of medicine  . The homeopathic students also Goes One Year Internship and clinical classes n between there study process and have   the exact knowledge which a physician should have.
  • Homeopaths Does Not Have Knowledge Of disease diagnosis : homeopathy s based upon law of similar  and in some disease there is no need to take test for certain disease , but when it comes for tracking out the route of disease disease diagnosis is essential and homeopathy do follow them . generally homeopathy carry out test for prognosis purposes  
  • Homeopath Ask Too Much Questions     : Yes , Its a fact that we people DO ask lot of questions , because we don't treat the disease but the person  , we take out the clear picture of the disease and treat the patient according to the law of similar (IE. most appropriate similar medicine for the disease of the person  , its how cure take place in homeopathy )   
  • Limitations of homeopathy : -  Like Every pathy , homeopathy has also certain drawbacks such as it can not cure each n every disease such as last stages of Cancer , AIDS , Sclerosis of Liver , although homeopathy is found beneficial in these Deadly diseases also but there is No 100% surety for treatment of such diseases 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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How Cure Take Place

You Must Be concerned about how cure take pace in homeopathy . the general thinking of common man is to eat lot and lot of medicine in order to regain its health .
But let me make you clear my friends , it is not the deal , not in homeopathy at least
The Homeopathy Is principally Based upon the "law of similar " and other 6 principal , i will catch your attention on other principals later

In order to tell you how homeopathy works i need to elaborate about the law of similar :-
It states that the medicine is capable of curing the disease which it can produce 
It is also the natural law of cure as it can be easily be observed in nature
For eg :- the pain of death of neighbor is overcome by the pain which come due to death of some close person
Hence the homeopathic medicine s capable of curing that disease , of which it can produce similar symptoms
 The another law which i want to discuss here is LAW OF VITAL FORCE
It Is the LIFE PRESERVING FORCE which is present in every living being and is responsible for controlling the life of the individual  , which means that the person cant remain living without vital force , and the person become diseased when harm to the vital force is done  ,
There are various concept about this force , in common language this force is named as SPIRIT or SOUL
Coming Back To our initial topic ,
Let Me tell You by using some diagram :-

Fig 1.1 represent the state of VITAL FORCE which is in its normal direction which means that the person is healthy , generally if some disease substance or some noxious agent , if try to harm the body of the individual than the vital force fight with it and make the body in its healthy position

But , if the disease producing force is stronger than the Vital force than the disease force Overcome the Vital force and the body get diseased , The Disease Stage Can Be Sown By Fig 1.2

In the Fig 1.2 the straight line show the position of Vital Force and the Wave which is made around the Vital Force represent the Disease force

When Homeopathic medicine is given to the patient who is in disease condition than the medicine will produce similar and stronger force as compared to the disease force , when medicine is well selected !
The condition Which develop after the administration of homeopathic dose can be shown in fig 1.3

The Medicinal Force Or the Artificial Disease Force  is stronger than that of the disease force
Here two Power Acts

  • The Power Of the Medicine : - the medicinal power which is exaggerated by the medicine is stronger than that of the disease hence the medicinal force try to overcome the disease force
  • The Power of vital force : - the weak Vital Force regain its power and try to push the disease power 
Due to the action of these powers the Vital force overcome Disease Force and The Disease force Become disappear , Now The BODY Is Left With the Medicinal Power  or (artificial disease power )
The state of  the Vital force can be shown with help of Fig 1.4

As the Dose of the of the medicine can be administered manually and the action of the medicine become over the medicinal force or the artificial disease force also get disappear and the body regain its healthy state 
And hence the body become healthy which can be shown by Fig 1.5

This Way Cure Takes Place In Homeopathy

Bryonia Alba

 The descriptions which characterise Bryonia are LONELINESS and INSECURITY. Bryonia patients are withdrawn into themselves, purposely isolated from social contact. Always in the background is a deep feeling of insecurity, a sense of vulnerability and weakness. It is this that leads them to seek isolation. They do not want to be intruded upon, and they are quite content to live alone.
 Bryonia patients are very sensitive to any intrusions; they are quick to feel irritability, anger and resentment. Inside, they feel great unhappiness and despondency. Especially during acute ailments, they feel dull in the mind and despondency on the emotional level. They do not ant to show this however. They just want to be left alone.
 The most well-known major keynote of Bryonia, or course, if AGGRAVATION FROM ANY MOTION, applies on all three levels. The mind is dull; it cannot take any exertion at all, even that of the simplest conversation. In acute conditions, this dullness of mind is a very prominent characteristic which must be emphasised. Emotionally, any imposition - even consolation or well-meaning attempt to help - is met with immediate irritation and resentment. And of course the physical body suffers from every motion. The Bryonia patient wants to lie perfectly still in a dark room, being left completely alone. Even turning on a light will set up a reaction because even the very slight movement of the iris will cause an aggravation; the Bryonia patient cannot even take that!
 A Bryonia man who is suffering from the flu will isolate himself, turn out the light, and lie in bed without the slightest movement. If his wife quietly slip into the room and asks if he wants some warm tea, he will feel irritated by even this question, in spite of its loving intent. He will automatically and emphatically say "No"! If she persists and brings the tea anyway, he may drink it and feel ameliorated, because Bryonia is very thirsty. In spite of this thirst, however, his initial response will usually be negative because he doesn't want to be bothered by anything.
 the irritability of Bryonia patients is such that they seem to hold other people responsible for their suffering. They are aggressive in a manner which makes others feel uneasy.
 In spite of the outward aggressiveness, Bryonia patients feel very insecure inside - especially about their financial well-being. When they feel ill, the first thing they want to do is go home, where they feel secure from any stress. In a delirium, they talk mostly of business because they fear for their financial security. This is most dramatically demonstrated by the fact that Bryonia is the most prominent remedy listed under Fear of Poverty.
 Bryonia patients, then are quite materialistically-minded (although not as much as Arsenicum). Even idealistic people will have a deep sense of insecurity regarding their financial future. In actual fact, they may be quite secure financially, but they have an irritational fear that they are headed toward bankruptcy. Of course, this refers to a pathological fear of poverty, not one which is based in actual reality.
 It seems to me that this insecurity arises out of the lack of social contact in Bryonia patients. They do not allow themselves the sense of security that can be derived from family, friends, community etc. Bryonia patients are responsible people; they usually take the greatest share of responsibility for their families, for instance, but then they wonder who will take care of THEM in case of financial disaster. They feel unsupported and insecure. The suffering of Bryonia patients, of course, is very great - whether in acute ailments, migraine headaches, or chronic arthritic pains. Every movement aggravates them greatly. This suffering can lead to a fear that they are going to die, but more commonly they fall into a despondent state. They seem to give up and simply accept the apparent inevitability that they are going to die. This is a despair of recovery, but it is not full of the agony that is found in Arsenicum or Calc. carb. It is a resignation to what seems to be inevitable.
 On the physical level, of course, there are many symptoms for which Bryonia is quite famous. The aggravation from motion is the most prominent. You must remember, however, that if the pains become too severe in Bryonia, they may become very restless. The suffering becomes so intense that they feel compelled to do something and then they start moving about. In this situation, Bryonia can be mistaken for Rhus tox or Arsenicum. However, despite the restlessness, the Bryonia pains are still not ameliorated by motion.
 Another keynote of Bryonia is amelioration from pressure. They want to hold the painful part, to tie up the head, or to lie on the painful side. This amelioration from pressure, coupled with aggravation from motion, explains why Bryonia is considered virtually a specific remedy in appendicitis. Physicians everywhere know the classic clinical sign by which appendicitis is diagnosed - rebound tenderness. Slowly and gently pressure is applied over the appendix, but no pain is felt until the pressure is let up with a snap-amelioration from pressure but aggravation from motion. Of course, appendicitis can present itself in other ways, but most commonly fits these two main keynotes of Bryonia. I recall one appendicitis case that was seen by one of the doctors in our centre. It was so obvious that he felt compelled to send the boy to the hospital. I told him to give a dose of Bryonia first, and by the time he was examined at the hospital, the doctor could find no evidence for appendicitis.
 Generally Bryonia is a left-sided remedy, particularly in migraine headache. Migraines are usually one-sided at first, and Bryonia most often fits those on the left side which are better from pressure and the application of a cold wet towel. These headaches are congestive in nature, sometimes with flushing and may eventually involve the whole head.
 Another characteristic symptom on the physical level is the great dryness of the mucous membranes. This dryness is a general symptom; it even applies to the emotional level. Bryonia patients are emotionally dry; there is not much happening on the emotional dry; there is not much happening on the emotional plane. Naturally, dryness of the mucous membranes lead to great thirst - frequently, and or large quantities. It does not matter in Bryonia whether the water is arm or cold. Even if the desire is for cold water, it will never be as greatly stressed as in Phosphorus (again emphasising the importance of underlining in a written case). Whenever there is stomach trouble (gastritis, duodenal ulcer, etc.) however, Bryonia wants warm drinks, which ameliorate;
 It must be remembered, however, that Bryonia is also one of the main remedies for dryness with thirstlessness, along with Belladonna, Nux moschata, and Natrum mur.
 Bryonia often has an afternoon time aggravation - around 3 or 4 or even 7 p.m.  Most characteristic, though is a 9 p.m.  aggravation lasting until sleep. This can be a strong confirmatory symptom for Bryonia whenever it is present, just as 9 a.m.  aggravation can suggest Chamomilla.
 There are not many strong symptoms in Bryonia regarding desires and aversions. Many times there may be a desire for oysters, but that is all. As mentioned, warm drinks ameliorate the stomach troubles.
 Bryonia patients suffer from vertigo, especially on turning the head to look backward. Turning in bed also creates vertigo, as one might expect. Usually Bryonia patients want to lie on the left side and are aggravated by lying on the right side.
 Bryonia is a remedy which is slow to develop in its pathology and slow in its action once given. In chronic Bryonia cases, you will see a long history of gradual development - say, over a period of five years. In arthritis, first one joint will be mildly affected, then another. By contrast, arthritic pains in Formica rupha erupt dramatically in several joints at once. Over the year, though, the inflammations increase in number and intensity until the patient becomes a total wreck - and even full of anxiety and restlessness because of the intensity of the pains. At this point Bryonia can be confused with Rhus tox because the rheumatic pains are ameliorated by warmth (congestive pains in Bryonia are ameliorated by cold).
 Acute Bryonia cases develop over a period of days. Perhaps there is an exposure to cold, but few symptoms occur for the first few days. A fever may appear by the third day or so, and then a full-blown illness is apparent by the fourth day. This same progress is true of Gelsemium. By contrast, Belladonna or Aconite erupt like volcanoes in their symptomatology.
 Once you have seen an acute Bryonia case you are not likely to forget it. I remember the first acute case I ever treated - a man with bronchitis. I visited him in his home, where he lived with another single man. As I entered his room, he was sitting on the bed facing the wall, his back turned to me. I asked "How are you? How do you feel? He would not answer me, nor would he turn to face me.
 Throughout the entire interview I was unable to get him to turn around. His fever was very high and he had such a painful cough that he had to hold his chest and let out weak little coughs. When I asked what he ate, his friend replied that he only took water. Obviously, this was a perfect Bryonia case, and he rapidly recovered.

Bismuthum subnitricum - Homeopathic Medicine

 Bismuth is a very distinct remedy which is needed in a specific situation in which no other remedy can replace it. Its characteristics are such that it will very easily be confused with Phosphorus. Bismuth is indicated in certain specific cases in which there is very severe, violent pain in the stomach. The patient complains of a very severe cramping pain, as if something is grasping the stomach. The pain is so severe that the patient is in a constant turmoil, writhing about in great distress. The arms, the legs, the whole body - all are in constant motion. The pain is so great that the patient is in great fear. He or she keeps saying "Am I going to the well?
 Am I going to get better? Please hold me! Do not leave me alone". These patients because of the violence of the pain, have a great fear of being left alone. They need somebody to be with them at all times - sometimes just to hold their hands. This fear of being alone during the pain is very characteristic for a Bismuth.
 Another keynote of Phosphorus which these people have is a great thirst - especially for cold water and in large quantities. Then, once they drink the water, they may stick a finger into the throat in order to immediately vomit it up. Alternatively, if they do not artificially induce vomiting, the water will be vomited up only once it has become warm in the stomach. This symptoms in particular may make you think of Phosphorus - especially when combined with the tremendous anxiety about health, the need for reassurance and the desire for company during the pain.
 Another striking characteristic is that the pain is ameliorated by rubbing or massaging the back. Massaging the region of the solar plexus itself cannot be tolerated, but rubbing the opposite region of the back ameliorates. This may relieve not only the pain itself, but also the tremendous anxiety and writing about.
 The pain itself is centred in the solar plexus. At first, it may feel like a heartburn, but soon it becomes a severe cramping gastralgia, as if something were going to break inside. The pain becomes so intolerable that you are likely to decide immediately upon hospitalisation, and the pain continues unabated for days.
 The pain in Bismuth last continuously for days at a time, but the paroxysms have an approximate periodicity to them. The periodicity may be every 15,30 or 45 days; but once the paroxysm begins, its violence and characteristic anxiety, accompanied by great thirst for cold drinks which are vomited, is unmistakable.
 During the paroxysm of pain, of course, no food can be tolerated whatsoever. It is strange, however, that once the pain abates, these patients can eat and digest virtually anything - even stones.
 During the paroxysm of pain, the body and head may feel as if there is a fever. Eventually the extremities becomes cold, but the torso and head remain warm to the touch, even though there is no actual fever.
 Bismuth is a wonderful remedy to remember for this specific situation. You may be called to the patient's home and everyone is in a panic because of the violence of the symptoms. Obviously, no ordinary antispasmodics would be capable of dealing with such pains, and an allopathic prescriber would be forced to consider either very powerful drugs or surgery. The symptoms themselves cannot fail to bring to your mind Phosphorus, but Phosphorus will not touch such a case. It is too violent, too extreme.
 Also, as a general rule, Bismuth can be kept in mind for even milder gastralgias in seemingly Phosphorus-type patients but in whom Phosphorus has failed to provide any benefit. After trying Phosphorus and waiting sufficiently long for a response, Bismuth could be considered as a further possibility, especially when there is history of periodicity to the paroxysms.

Baryta Carbonica - Homeopathc Remedy

 Baryta carb. is remedy which can be prescribed at all stages of life - childhood, adulthood, old age - but it is most commonly indicated in children. This remedy brings aid to scrofulous children, especially if they are backward physically, are dwarfish, do not grow and develop.
 The dwarfishness is seen not only on the physical level but on the emotional and mental levels as well.
 By dwarfishness we do not mean that Baryta carb. is routinely prescribed for people who are short in stature, or for actual dwarfs. It is not indicated in people with quick intelligence and strong vitality. Baryta carb. dwarfishness on the physical plane refers more specifically to conditions in which specific organs have not fully developed, especially the genitalia. The testes and penis may be very small and relaxed. Or the uterus may remain child sized even into adulthood. Delayed development in general is a strong, element in Baryta carb.
 The appearance of Baryta carb. children is quite distinct. They are not fat, but they may have enlarged bellies with an otherwise marasmic appearance - like Calcarea carb. The skin is not fresh as it is in most children; it appears older, as if it is about to become wrinkled. The glands may be swollen, and especially the tonsils may swell to such an extent that it interferes with the child's appetite. Because of this adenoidal and tonsillar swelling, the child may breathe through his mouth, which adds to the generally "stupid" look on his face. Baryta carb. children, have a very serious look on their faces. There is an unintelligent seriousness to their mind. They lack brilliance, so they appear as if they are always trying to figure out what is happening. It is as if the mind is completely vacant.
 These children are very shy. In the interview, a Baryta carb. girl will hide behind the chair and cling to her mother, peering out at you with that dull, serious look. You cannot coax her to come out. If you go over and take her by the hand, however, she will not resist. Other remedies - like Natrum mur, Tarentula, Arnica, or Hepar children - will kick up a fuss if you make a move toward them; they know how they feel and they will not allow you to touch them. The Baryta carb. child, however, will allow you to bring her to you.
 She is docile. She may stare at you, wondering "What does this man want of me"? But she has no will of her own. She will try to do whatever you wish. It is a shyness that comes from a lack of comprehension and an instinct to remain in familiar circumstances and with familiar people who can protect her. It should be pointed out, also, that this shyness may persist until the age of 8 or 10 years. It is natural for children 3 or 4 years to be shy, but in Baryta carb. it persists to a much older age and exactly the same childishness. This is why Baryta carb. is listed in the Repertory as having a fear of strangers and aversion to company.
 Baryta carb. children are slow to learn - to walk, and especially to talk. They may not learn to talk until the age of 3 or 4 years. You stand them on their feet, to teach them to walk, but they simply do not seem to comprehend that they are supposed to put one foot in front of the other. In a normal school, these children fall behind quickly; it is common for them to hold back a year every three or so until they receive Baryta carb.
 In Greek, there is a word, MICRONOUS, which means "small mind" or "simple-mindedness". This is an accurate description of the Baryta carb. intellect. Their minds seem completely incapable of handling complexities - any problem involving more than 4 or 5 factors, for example. They tend to think in a rote fashion. Structure and routine are best for them.
 A father may ask his Baryta carb. son to study a passage in the history book for class the next day. He willingly sits there for a long time applying himself to the passage and by the end of the time he can recite it from memory. However, he has no really comprehended its meaning. The next day, the teacher asks him to describe that passage, and he simply cannot respond. Partly he is overcome by shyness, but mostly he has forgotten the passage completely. The Baryta carb. mind is vacant; it cannot comprehend easily, cannot retain things.
 These children realise that they don't understand all that happens in the world around them. This is why they tend to stay by themselves, in familiar and sage surroundings. They will no play with other children. They will not make new friends. This also is the reason why they have anxiety about others; they are fearful of losing their protectors, their familiar relations.
 Of course, one might think of Baryta carb. for mongoloid children. One must be careful, however, to distinguish conditions which are pathological and actual defects. In mongoloids, there is a specific defect; there is only a certain amount of intelligence available at birth. The intelligence which is lacking from the outset cannot be brought to normal. However, mongoloid children sometimes have other problems, susceptibilities to colds, etc. which can he helped by various remedies such as Calc. carb., Tuberculinum, Pulsatilla, and others.
 This description of Baryta carb. carried on into adulthood as well, but usually these people have learned to compensate for their lack of intelligence. In social gatherings, they remain silent while everyone else speaks. Generally, they shun society and stick close to their own family.
 It is in adulthood, however, that the CHILDISH behaviour becomes most evident. They say things that seem to have no relation to the topic being discussed - silly things, ridiculous things. For example, people are discussing popular music, and someone remarks that Elvis Presley is a great performer. Then the Baryta carb. man says, "Yes, he's O.K.  but he cannot compare to Maria Callas"! This is the kind of silly, out-of-context remark that Baryta carb. patients make. They seem to lack perspective altogether, so their minds make only the simplest of connections, which seem ridiculous and childish to other people.
 Let us take another example, Baryta carb. patients van perform their routine daily functions quite adequately, but they cannot cope with extra complications. Suppose a man tells his wife that ten people are coming to dinner. She is perfectly capable of cooking for just herself and her husband, but ten people? She can't cope with the complexity of which utensils to use, how to time things so that all the food is ready at the same time, etc. She doesn't know where to begin or where to end. But instead of saying this straight out, she says other husband, "But I do not have the right shoes to wear"!
 It is this inability to handle complexity that leads to the IRRESOULTION which is so characteristic of Baryta carb. Suppose a man and wife are looking for a new house, and one is offered at a bargain. It is a perfect sized house, located in a very nice area, and the price is the only one quarter of the usual marked value for such houses. The husband asks, "What do you think"? The wife realises that this is the moment for a decision : they have saved their money, but now she is afraid of the magnitude of the decision. So she says "Yes, but that mountain nearby is so big; it may cut off the air? And there is dirt on the porch". She has no ability to put things in their correct perspective, so she cannot come to a decision. It is like asking a child to make the decision on buying a house. Whenever irresolution is the major expression on the mental level, Baryta carb. is one of the main remedies to consider.
 Because the mind is so simple in Baryta carb. they do not have the burden of over-intellectualisation. Often they can be quite receptive and accurate in an intuitive way. Upon meeting someone, they will immediately intuit whether that person is good or bad, and they will often be right. Even so, their judgement will be quite complex. They are not really capable of very subtle or refined impressions.
 Baryta carb. is a remedy which can be indicated in old arterio-sclerotic people whose minds have deteriorated in a specific way. These are old people who play with dolls, or the ribbons in their hair - childish behaviour. In such people, Baryta carb. may well bring them back to their normal selves for another two or three years until the inevitable decline overtakes them.
 Baryta carb. and Baryta mur; are often indicated in mononucleosis, when the glands have become swollen and very hard.
 Generally, Baryta carb. patient are chilly. They often have an aversion to sweets. Baryta carb. is one of only three remedies which have an aversion to fruits, and especially to plums.
 A peculiar symptom which might lead you to Baryta carb. is the sensation that they are inhaling smoke when in fact the air is clean.


What is homeopathy-  Definition You may be concerned about what is homeopathy , Lets take a look :- Homeopathy is the alternative...